Works began in September on a £2 Million development in Wolverhampton. The works comprise of two, three and four bedroom houses and one bedroom bungalows.
Harper Group are pleased to be working with WV living on a project that will provide 12 No. Open market homes and 1 No. Shared Ownership home. The site was mostly recently used as a council owned residential care home however the buildings were demolished in Summer 2017.
The site will provide 13 new dwellings with a mix of house types for the local area, the immediate residential neighbouring houses are already a mix of modern type houses. The new dwellings will provide good continuity of the existing residential frontage along Langley Road. The local community offers a range of services and shops which are immediately adjacent to the site in the Merry Hill Local Centre. Nearby to the site there is also access to a local church, scout hut, nursery and several local primary and secondary schools.
The design also includes associated car parking for each dwelling and landscaping. Each dwelling will also be provided with an electric car charging point.