Smithville Place

St. Briavels, Gloucestershire
The Guinness Partnership
Quattro Design Architects
JCT Design & Build Contract 2011


  • 9 No. Dwellings
  • Traditional Build
  • Mix of 2/3 Bedroom Houses & 1 Bed Flats
  • Affordable Housing


J. Harper & Sons (Leominster) Ltd were appointed as principal contractor to deliver 9 traditional build affordable houses for The Guinness Partnership. The properties were built featuring a mix of stone, render and cladding facade.

The site included an adopted block paviour road under a Section 38 agreement with a Section 104 implemented for the adoptable foul system. The storm system was engineered to discharge into soakaways.

The 9 houses range from 1 to 3 bedroom rental properties and were built on an exception site and were only made available to people with a strong connection to the local area.

The homes are energy efficient and built to the HCA design and quality standards.